I have been germinating my seed for over a week and only 14 out of 40 have germinated. at what point should I consider them dead?
1. Is your water's PH neutral? 2. Are your seeds in a dark and warm but not hot place? 3. Are the seeds u are waiting to pop viable?( larger mature, some shade of brown, dont crack under finger pressure ect.) 4. How are u germing them? 5. If u type in Germination into your search button there are an infinate number of germination threads... EVERYDAY I LOOK AT THE "ABSOLUTE BEGINERS" THERE IS A QUESTION ABOUT GETTING UR BEANS TO POP... READ EVERYTHING THIS FORUM HAS TO OFFER BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING hope i helped yo
the Ph is 7.0 and distilledI am using the paper towel method and they are in a glad container and on a heating pad with a towel underneath as a buffer with a towel over. most are brown with specs and a few are a lighter green. They are from my last grow.
the light green prolly wont sprout... are they all the same genetics? shit man sounds it might jus be bad luck? i use the shot glass method cause idk whats in the paper towels and what it might do to the PH... but other than that its outta my relm of knowledge