Are my plants ok?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by justinking1994, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Attached Files:

  2. They're stretching, get the bulbs closer. 2-3 inches. How many actual watts?
  3. you need the lights closer or more wattage.
  4. I was using heat lamps 500 watts total. Like three feet up in the air. I just switched over to some normal energy efficent lights. Would that work?
  5. You need about 300 actual watts of CFLs for 5 plants, about 2-3inches from the plants
  6. Your goona need more than 3. With CFLs (condenced flourecent lamp/energy effecient) the number of wattage you need to look for will be the smaller number, and listed as the actual wattage, 42 in this case, which is the real amount of watts its using.... The greater number, 200 in this case, is the size/wattage of an incandecent bulb it would take to put out the same amount of light.
  7. Ok. I'm going to get three today. Make the wattage a little better :) Then next week get three more going so 42*6=252 real power :)
  8. Why not go for an hps. Spend the 200 for a 600 water and pay yourself back as soon as you harvest your first plant. Go big brother you won't regret it.
  9. They look perfectly healthy though a little stretched but upsize the bucket and bury the long stem. The part that's buried will grow roots. The closer the lights the less space between sets of leafs. The less space between the nodes the tighter more sense the buds are.

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