are flourescents that fragile ?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by marcusgrowing, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Hi. Does anyone know if I can damage my flourescents with water spray if I spray the leaves of my seedlings while the flourescent tube is near them ? I ask because I had a tube blow after only a few hundred hours of use and I'm wondering if it's my fault.

  2. For one, you shouldnt spray leaves when theyre under lights, it's a sure fire way to burn them...not just MJ, but ANY plants..

    and for two, cold water onto hot glass = generally a bad idea. It does hold the possibility of blowing the bulb(.not so much as with HID ) , showering glass and phosphur everywhere...contrary to popular belief, the actual bulb of a CFL does get quite hot. Dont risk it is my advice :smoke:
  3. Thanks. I'll definately stop doing that then !
  4. a low intensity light is ok, when i spray my plants down i turn off the light that they are under, and turn on a light thats a few feet away, and no florescent should not get hot enough to explode on contact with cool water

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