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Are Fan Leaves really worth purchasing and smoking with?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PissedOffOSUAlumnus, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. I love making Cannabis Cigars, however, I always use High Hemp Wraps after smearing the Cigar Core with Concentrates.

    Etsy sells fan leaves and I was wondering if they really are worth purchasing in order to use as the wrap instead of High Hemp Wraps?

    I know the Company Native Leaf sells actual Hemp Leaf Wraps that are expensive and not processed like High Hemp Wraps.
  2. Buying fan leaves on etsy? Can you not grow your own?
  3. I don't grow weed because of my trash family and their beliefs on Cannabis. I am a strong conservative however, I need cannabis in my life.

    I make my purchases from dispensaries.
  4. R
    ewe, dispensery weed..cough cough.
  5. You
    You would love growing your own.

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