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Are dispensary pharmacists in demand?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by yeshli2nuts, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. I am currently an undergrad junior and I am going to be applying to pharmacy school next year to become a registered pharmacist. My first choices will be California schools (for many different reasons). I would be perfectly happy to work at a regular retail pharmacy but I was thinking how cool it would be to work at a dispensary. First, I assume all the dispensaries have a registered pharmacist on staff. Are they in as much demand as regular retail pharmacists are? And do they make as much money? Thanks.
  2. Yeah, registered pharmacists on staff - not so much. in the DOZENS of clubs that I've been to there has not been ONE certified pharmacy tech on staff. Bud-tenders at the seedier places tend to be hot young women. More reputable places will have more informed bud-tenders, but there isn't any call for a certified pharmacy tech, because they can't afford the pay you'd desire.

    Pretty sure though that all of the major pharmacies have pre-employment drug testing, which even a Medical Marijuana recommendation won't cover.

    You'd be better off staying in your own state and working to get MMJ in your area.

    Besides which, for every one job opening at a legtimate club, there are dozens of qualified patients who could do the job. There are more qualified candidates than jobs these days.
  3. Alright thanks, I just wrongly assumed that dispensaries needed a registered pharmacists on staff. That's pretty crazy that they don't, in a retail pharmacy no one is even allowed inside when the pharmacist is not there. And about the drug testing, I'm totally fine with that, I wasn't even looking to get a MMJ card and I can go a long time without smoking (probably the first year or so of working to assess if they do randoms).
  4. Pharmacists are qualified to dispenses Schedule 2-5 drugs. Cannabis is not on those schedules, thus no need for pharmacists at cannabis dispensaries.
  5. Dang these laws are screwed up. A substance "more dangerous" can be dispensed by someone "less qualified." I don't get it...
  6. Not to mention Cannabis being scheduled as a schedule I drug "with no medical benefit"

  7. How is cannabis more "dangerous"?
  8. Its not, but i think the point he was making is that the people who make the laws class it as that.
  9. Just hope you have a friend who opens up a dispensory and hires you as his pharmacist. If you were qualified, said friend would definetly hire you.

  10. It is a schedule 1 drug which makes it "more dangerous" than any other drug you can get at CVS with or without a prescription. Yet it doesn't need a registered pharmacist to dispense it.

    ^And yeah dude, that said friend better open one up

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