Are Christians the new nazis?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Matthewtrippy, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. #1 Matthewtrippy, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    Is the Christian religion that much different from nazis.
  2. they are nothing alike. come on man, this post reeks of ignorance. 
  3. I'm not even religious and I think this post is super offensive. I feel like you just want a reaction man.
  4. You need to learn more about Christian, Nazis or even better both.  If you did you would not ask such a question.  
  5. Well Christians have waged genocide on people they disagreed with, but not for several hundred years.

    So in short no.
  6. I'm sure you're scotch free when it comes to ignorance, Crito. lol
  7. Okay... 
    Just remember that Jesus was a real person that asked people to open there eyes to the love and compassion of believing in a God. Also remember that he was killed by the same state that is now the central head for the nation of Christendom.  
    Ive read stuff about how the Vatican helped finance part of the nazi's ties with Brazil and stuff as well as the last pope being an ex member of the nazi party himself, however almost all youths from that era that are still alive now could infact be considered ex nazi's, since conscriptions were indeed mandatory in nazi Germany at the age of 14 and above. I will also point out that the medieval Vatican actually had a big resentment for the Holy Roman Empire today known as Germany, however those era's are widely apart in reforms in the days of Pope Gregory VII. 
  8. Yeah, they're pretty different...
  9. is very different. Are you done honey? It's passed your bedtime isn't it?
    I'd say your chances are hundreds - maybe even thousands - of times better with Christians that aren't really into off-the-wall racial bullsh!t and genociday for Jesus like the NAZIs, who seemed to have some issues with that kinda shit. Besides, where are the shrines showing the millions that the Christians gassed and the baked in their genocidal ovens for the sake of Jesus? 
  11. #11 sapien, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
  12. Yeah don't know what this is about. Although I've always wondered the hypocrisy in some Christian things. Like body exposure. A man and a woman can't equally expose their chests but the butts are the same. The stomach is the same. I know I'm kinda on two different topics but its mind numbing sometimes
  13. Coming from a NA perspective I really can't tell the difference.    The Nazi genocide and the Christian genocide are only different in dispatch methods.  The truth is Christians murdered, pillaged, raped, butchered their way across the nation and herded those who were left onto worthless land.  Until something of value is found and they are moved or slaughtered again.... and again.... and again.   California gold rush,  Black Hills Gold Rush,  Sand Creek, Little Bighorn, The Long Walk, The Trail of Tears.   This nation has blood on its hands just like Germany does.  
    Entire tribes are extinct.  Unique cultures and languages were systematically destroyed.  Children were forced from their homes and put into boarding schools and tortured for speaking their own tongue or practice their own spirituality.  The damage is still felt to this day. An entire culture is suffering from PTSD.  Alcoholism is rampant,  depression, poverty, and lack of self worth and no opportunities.   So, yeah.  They're about the same to me.   
    Well yes.... seeing as OP is probably not a Christian and me not being a Christian, learning about the history of other religions that arent ours is a thoughtful experience of sharing information. Thanks for spamming a huge ass picture thats an eye sore for the thread, you died again fucking Christian. 
    1. read the sentence that I quoted in bold
    2. im not a christian
    3. name calling is mean, stop hurting my feelings!
  16. #16 Deleted member 42976, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
    you're right. Nazis only killed people during a short period of history, while the church had people killed for centuries.
  17. Christians have a long and bloody history, the only reason they aren't vilified in todays culture is because they won, plain and simple, i would not compare those horrors to the horrors that the nazis did though, i mean killing somebody is one thing, aiming to wipe out an entire race of people is quite another. 
    I do think if we were thrust into the medievil times again that the Christians would start wielding some of that power that they possess, i have no doubt about that, to what extent is questionable but when your not allowed in a church because your not apart of their "Clique" like gimme a fuckin break man, thats going pretty far in our culture right now, members only religion usually isnt a good thing and breeds all sorts of crazy ignorance. 
  18. From everything ive read hitler and the vatican were really opposed. To the point that popes and cardinals would walk jews across the vatican line in plain sight of the nazis who had a border around but were not in the holy see
  19. well i can't say for sure, but in terms of pressing beliefs onto to people,....well in my experience they try to all the time, and they shun you, if you aren't christian. at least that's the way it is in the south, where i am at..
    i use to be a christian, and go to church, but that was a long time ago, reflecting back on it, i was more of an asshole to people, by doing the same like shunning away people if the weren't christian, back then. i feel bad that i was like all christians aren't like that, cause one of my best friends is, and he never forces his beliefs on anybody, nor does he care if you are one are not, but in my experience, he is the exception to the norm
  20. #20 M3ssenger, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    [quote name="Carne Seca" post="19426342" timestamp="1390966909"]Coming from a NA perspective I really can't tell the difference. The Nazi genocide and the Christian genocide are only different in dispatch methods. The truth is Christians murdered, pillaged, raped, butchered their way across the nation and herded those who were left onto worthless land. Until something of value is found and they are moved or slaughtered again.... and again.... and again. California gold rush, Black Hills Gold Rush, Sand Creek, Little Bighorn, The Long Walk, The Trail of Tears. This nation has blood on its hands just like Germany does. Entire tribes are extinct. Unique cultures and languages were systematically destroyed. Children were forced from their homes and put into boarding schools and tortured for speaking their own tongue or practice their own spirituality. The damage is still felt to this day. An entire culture is suffering from PTSD. Alcoholism is rampant, depression, poverty, and lack of self worth and no opportunities. So, yeah. They're about the same to me. [/quote]They may have done it with a christian mentality but if anything, they are more related to Catholicism and had ties to the Vatican. True christianity, the relationship to the God-head surpasses religion in aspect of bylaws and predatory behavior. They use the name of God to take offense but in reality, this was no divine act nor was it Godlike. What you are talking about is paganism infiltration into modern day Christianity. That is a discussion on its own entirely. M3ssenger
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