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Are CEV's normal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jton, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Are REALLY intense closed eye visuals a normal thing when you smoke dank?

    It was fun...
  2. It definitely happens to a lot of people. It's not incredibly common, but not rare either.

    I get them when I get really, really high.
  3. I don't think it happens to most people but it is known to happen.
  4. It happens to me often because usually I smoke to get blown. Its one of the fun aspects of getting blown :smoke:

  5. I think it depends on the weed, but it get them fairly often. You should try listening to music with headphones. Its like food for your CEVs.

  6. This, exactly. I lost track of time, and my body just froze, I became unaware of my surroundings, I only knew what was going on in my head. It was amazing.
  7. i dont know if its a CEV but sometimes (almost always) after i smoke dank, i get these ridiculous body feelings when i close my eyes. like pressure on my cherst. i like it though. and when i close my eyes i feel like im falling. like all out freefall! crazy shitttt. what constitutes as a CEV though? like actually seeing shit?

  8. As far as I know, yes, you have to actually see something.

  9. thought so. the falling feeling is great thoughh. im dry so its time to scrape some rezzz and get the fall hahaa. peace to the city. toke onn :wave:
  10. Open eye visuals are way crazier

  11. CEV = Closed Eye Visuals

    You actually have visuals with your eyes closed.
  12. I've had a few CEV's... And the whole listenting to music with headphones is so true, i felt like the best way to describe it was when you either

    1- Stare at a really bright light for a good amount of time and then close your eyes really tight and begin to see colors.


    2- You watch the itunes visualizer thing.

  13. I believe that is a stage 2 CEV. Stage 3 CEV is an actual seeing a person, place, etc.

    I've reached stage 2 from "Idoser" if you've ever heard of it, but I've only reached stage 3 from the cannabis I did yesterday.
  14. I've only had them a few times but they are lots of fun so enjoy them.
  15. happened 1st time I hit a bong.
    beyond wild.
  16. happened to me the second time i ever smoked, i was listening to eyes of the world and it blew my mind haha:smoke:
  17. hmm thats weird. I have had CEVs all my life, even before weed. Even now, if I just think for a minute I can come up with a picture. But the main one that I get on weed is like its another world.

    For instance: Like I see everything almost normally I think, but it is just all embossed. Like, idk, it looks like it was drawn with pencils....or those little nail bed things that you put your hands on and make it look cool. That is what I get most of the time, sometimes its like comics.
    But I have to remember not to trust the dark world because I am most often wrong.
    One time I was closing my eyes, high as a kite (like now) and everything looked like a comic book. I think it was because I was playing with photo booth on my mac earlier. And, I then went and reached for my coke that was nearby. I had my eyes closed still and I went for it as if I were seeing it through my dark world you know? And I actually got it too, I grabbed it. But other times, I grabbed my friends hat and poked his eye bad. And another time I think I opened the car door going down the road. Because I didnt think that I was really seeing me grab the door handle and I almost like dared myself to do it haha! good times...:smoke:
  18. Yep, all these posts are what I've had happen to me too.

    The second time I smoked I smoked a whole j to myself way too fast, and it was a month since I had smoked the first time. I got crazy high, I was uncomforatble for the first 20 min, but after that I laid down on my bed and put on music. Holy shit, it was like a lucid dream. Pretty sure it was stage 4, according to the wikipedia page on it. I was so high, every song was like an adventure. I was flying through spaces, like cool renderings of futuristic spaces you would see in games and shit. It was awesome. I hope sometiime I can relive that experience. I guess it might happen with acid or psilocybin.

  19. It was EXACTLY this experience. Wasn't it simply amazing?

  20. Indeed it was. Part of the "adventure" was how long songs were lasting. I'm talking pop punk 4 minute songs, but they really felt like an adventure...every one of them. I wonder what trance music or something would have been like.

    It was like a lucid dream, but I could still feel my bed and such, and the air and sounds outside in between songs, but when the music was playing, that's all I could feel. The music. It really was inside my head. I first played it on my iPhone speaker, which is not very good, but it still sounded amazing. Then I put it on my iHome which is much more powerful, plenty when your head is right next to it. Of course, it was the first time I heard music high. The first time I smoked I did not have any music, just a fire and people talking.

    I still feel this sometimes when I'm pretty high, but it hasn't been as profound as this first experience.

    Usually, it consists of me flying around in a space, which could be outside, or a large indoor space with interesting architecture. A lot of the wall textures are moving, visualizer style. It usually is with another character. They are always great.

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