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Are brownies suppose to taste shitty?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Madix, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. First time making and eating a pot brownies. I made canna oil with coconut oil first. Made the brownies with a REALLY yummy mix. Get them out of the oven, THEY TASTE SO BAD I GAGGED. Are they supposed to taste icky? OR did I over cook the oil, add too much weed? They don't just casually taste like weed, I mean these are terrible.
  2. Lots of ways to do it. The amount you use. Try making butter or use coconut oil. There's some soy powder lytch or something that also increases potency. Or just eat the batter. You can also use a muffin pan, little ones, you can make little brownies there are nice.

    Hope it helps.
  3. I did use coconut oil... still gross haha
  4. When I cook with cannabis to avoid that taste and smell I water cure the buds for seven days, dry, decarb and mix with oil. The water cure removes all of the nasty's and makes the taste much milder. The last batch I made without water curing were inedible, a waste of an ounce. You can also make a tincture and then do a solvent transfer to oil. This is an extra time consuming process, like the water cure, but makes for cookies/brownies/candy you can actually eat. If you need details on tincture, go to Another Tincture Thread hosted by PsychedelicSam. For details on water cure just ask here in your thread. High Times also did an experiment comparing four methods of making cannabutter- if you do a search on their website you can find the article. They have a method that improves the taste/smell. Oh, an alternative is to make cannabutter by cooking the cannabis with butter and water. That also improves the taste. Good luck, edibles are awesome.

    I know folks make perfectly edible confections without all these extra steps, but I can't. I just plan way ahead.
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  5. Never heard of that, it sounds like soggy bud :p gotta be murder to decarb it.
  6. When water curing you allow the cannabis to dry before decarbing. It dries quite quickly with a fan pointed at the strainer I use. Water curing is not exactly mainstream, but if you Google it you will find lots of links. It's not much different from making cannabutter in a water bath (water and butter and cannabis, cool to separate). I don't bother cooking with cannabis flowers anymore, but make a tincture and do a solvent transfer. Requires advance planning, but the taste is worth the extra steps.
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  7. Did you use a slow cooker or do a quick cook on the stove? I find using coconut oil is better with cooking and butter with baking

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