The folks at GC should seriously think of making a spot for Dumbest Threads and Questions!!! What do you all think? LMFAO!!!
ya man smoke a blunt by your plants and ash it on the time you see them they will be 2 feet bigger
Some time i think the threads are jokes and when i open it there will be the punchline..... "cantharis" ~ is that a reference to the "Spanish Fly" beetle? You must be a biologist with your chemistry and plant knowledge?
You really are full of hate and envy. But as you have requested, here is one of my ladies. Got over a pound of dried/cured off that lady. Apologies to everyone who has seen that pic before, but noobs do keep asking the same questions.
DUDE IS THAT YOU CAUSE ITS ME >>>>> LOL K POTASH is ash from a pot belly stove I think .....Let me know if its you too man ill post those pics k