aquarium tank projects?

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by huntr, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    well im giving away my tutrles, i came here to wonder if any one knows what i could make with this aquarium tank? :)

    if there nothing, ill just grow some here then :rolleyes:

    if you have any crazy ideal post it up plz :smoke:
  2. Fill it with isopropyl alcohol and keep your favourite bong in it. Keep the filter going as well without the charcoal, and keep the heater in for looks. Rinse before use, of course.
  3. fill it with mineral oil and put your computer in it... very neat
  4. i dont get it. are you being serious op? or is this a joke thread? if your serious cover the box and make it light proof. get rid of everthing in their. keep pump and tubes. fill with soil. get better lights. mount. plant weed. use pump and tubing for a drip system
  5. ummmm put some fish in it get a resivoir with some airstones in it and feed the recurclutating water into the resivoir that your ladies will be growing in then run the drain of the resivoir back to the tank with a pump on the end. Feed the fish and theyll keep the plants alive with tons of nitrogen :) some beastly plants without having to buy nutes!
  6. you could make a terrium out of it and or a mini green house for a plant or two and then you can have a grow aquirum :D
  7. suprised no one has mentioned aquaponics, i'll be giving it a go around april/may and am still reading up on it but apart from needed room im good to go, few vids out there too
    best of luck
  8. Just how easy is it to disguise a grow op as a aquarium setup???

  9. thats what i was getting at a few posts up

  10. soz fonzi :) just noticed that, i mustve been :smoking: a tad much not to notice 1st time around, or not enough :)
  11. make a sweet terrarium, then grow bountiful crops of mushrooms. :hello:
    or brew some nutrient teas in it.
    But personally, I would convert it to a salt water tank, put sweet things in there, (spider crabs, octopi, mantis shrimp or w/e) then deck out a remote control submarine with a water proof camera and explore that shit. like 2000 leagues under the sea, 'ceppt high and dry. :smoke:

  12. Don't if it's that I'm high as shit, but you my friend are creative. That's a badass idea lol :smoke:
  13. u could make a sick ass clf micro grow box out of that hang sum heavy duty plastic around the glass then u make a wood roof or something (many tutorials on here for cfl hood making) then u can just take down the plastic to check on the plants through the glass.
  14. Good idea but I would put something reflective inside the glass like Mylar or tin foil at the least, glass absorbs a ton of the light spectrum, this is why we use Mylar instead of mirrors to reflect light

  15. hmmm,ill try it and thnks :D

    im up for this :D
  16. You can put it on the ground.....fill it with water....step in it...and drop a plugged in and turned on hairdryer. just kidding.:poke:
  17. #17 Ccoastal, Apr 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016

  18. gotta ask what would happen would it catch on fire smoke what or was you just fuckin off when u said that
  19. #19 Ccoastal, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Very neat means very bad idea ad very flammable... His next recommendation would be to spray it with a garden hose when it light on fire... Also bad idea
  20. There are many aquarium size. Size of the fish aquarium is not so much size, but trading volume is more consistent with the number on the fish tank will be placed in use. It needs to have proper filtration system, heating or cooling, lighting and coverage. You do not just fill a tank with water, put the fish in.

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