April Fool's Day Of The Dead

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Goopus, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. This is just a little piece I've been working on. It's meant to be funny. I wrote it while high. It probably isn't funny. My sense of humor is fucking weird.

    Anyways.. Hey I even have the cool line that the trailer voice-over guy would say. Ahem here we go.

    The shit has hit the fan. The world has ended. The human race will soon be extinct. Ben Roberts doesn't have time to notice the apocalypse. He has a date... with destiny.

    April Fool's Day Of The Dead

    "I find you very attractive," Ben said softly.

    Fiona beamed at him.

    "Unfortunately..." Ben whispered, melodramatically pausing and posing with his hand over his mouth.

    He closed his eyes after letting a tear slip out. It rolled down his cheek at a perfectly heart-breaking pace.

    "I love another," Ben confessed quietly.

    Cue the dramatic music.

    Roll credits.

    Tune in for tomorrow's episode.

    "Good job, Ben," Fiona said, shaking his hand. "I'm looking forward to the scene in tomorrow's episode where I run you over with a car."

    Ben laughed.

    "I need the coma scenes," he joked. "My back isn't the best right now. So no hard feelings."

    Ben dropped out of his dramatic facade. His character's name was Raoul. Ben couldn't help but remember a kid named Raoul in his fourth grade gym class. The other kids beat the crap out of him.

    Raoul literally defecated in his jeans. He switched schools and hopefully jeans.

    Ben was out the door of the studio in ten minutes. He was already late for dinner with his beautiful girlfriend Shannon. He was hurrying across the cast parking lot when he saw it.

    A man was sitting in the driver-side seat of an expensive Mercedes. A woman was in the passenger-side seat. Her head was in the man's lap.

    Ben took a few steps closer. He recognized the man. It was one of the guest stars. He was a has-been action movie star.

    The woman must have heard his footsteps. She looked up into Ben's eyes. Hers were milky and unfocused. Her mouth was covered in blood. Ben's eyes widened as he saw chunks missing from the has-been's legs.

    "Holy shit," Ben commented shakily. "That is a hell of an April Fool's joke."

    He continued on his way, checking his watch. He was very late. If he wanted to do the horizontal mambo with Shannon that night, he was going to have to haul ass.

    (That's all I've got so far. Tune in for tomorrow's episode.)
  2. "The woman must have heard his footsteps. She looked up into Ben's eyes. Hers were milky and unfocused. Her mouth was covered in blood. Ben's eyes widened as he saw chunks missing from the has-been's legs."

    This part makes no sense to me, care to explain?
  3. Well she had her head in his lap, and she was eating his legs bro.
  4. Horizontal mambo :laughing:

  5. Nice.

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