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Apprentice Tokers

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by zackuray, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. If you think you need to ask a question in the seasoned tokers section because you think it wont get answered in the apprentice tokers section your wrong. If you ask a question there it will be answered because others may know what you don't.
  2. My dreams have come true!
  3. + rep

    well said man, this forum is turning into apprentice smokers Version 2.0
  4. I think I got some laced weed, What should I do? :wave:
  5. No no, all weed is laced with crack and pcp. All of it. There's no such thing is weed. So just smoke it and try not to die.
  6. all dank weed is laced. the different highs are the different drugs laced into the bud. obviously!:D:hello:
  7. All these titles man they just want their questions answered does it really matter where they post its not like their taking up all the room in the seasoned section or something.
  8. It's just a little annoying when there is a HUGE stickied thread about laced weed in the Apprentice Toker's section, where their questions are most likely to be answered.
  9. I know, but come on admit it its kind of funny. Is my weed laced? No, your just high as shit!

    I swear I've only just joined this place, but I read that about a good three different times every time I sign on.
  10. It is a little funny but it's also sad that people believe that their bud is laced all the time.
  11. This is now the Official "scratch your apprentice toker itch thread"

    Omg gais, wat if I put my blunt in my soda, will it make weed soda>?!?? Will I died?
  12. Is aluminum foil baddies? :devious:
  13. i think theres thc worms in my bud

  14. #14 BrizzlyBear, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2009
    I just tok a oz to skool and mi princaple found it!!!11 WTF AM I GOINGG TO DO?!? I"M S00 FUKED!!

    but i told dat basterdd to fukc off tho so if he wants to fyte ill be all lyke "what niga????" LOLZZZZ!!

  15. its the government brainwash
  16. q.f.t.

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