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Apprentice Tokers' Guide to Bud Quality, Quantity, and Pieces

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Phased, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. thanks, this will help me out cuz im new to smoking
  2. Great guide man is really going to help alot of the new members.
  3. pro shit here man. i'll keep on learning and spread the knowledge :D
  4. :hello:Thanks for the awesome reviews guys.:hello:

    :mad:I wish this guy would get his giant and incorrect edit off of my thread. :mad:
  5. Sweet guide man, +rep. I learned a few things and the new smokers will definitely learn a lot.

  6. giant yes incorrect no ... removing ..
  7. [​IMG]

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA IM EVIL RAHHHHHHHH GIMME YOUR THREAD + GUIDE RIGHTS PHASED HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
  8. Great guide 10/10. Very detailed. It will help alot of people who are new to marijuana culture.
  9. Thank you.

    Not a chance, fool!


    Also, thanks again to all kind regards from everyone.
  10. Great guide for newcomers! It def deserves a sticky.
    +Rep :)
  11. #31 Dryice, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
    So many colors! +rep


    Phase, do I have permission to post this on drugs-forum? I will obviously give you credit for the write-up.
  12. thanks! +rep
  13. Excelletn guide, +rep.
  14. #34 Phased, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
    Yeah, just credit me as Phased of GrassCity.

    Can you link me to the drugs-forum by any chance?
    Just once you post it, link the post here.

    EDIT: Or better yet, just link directly to this post on GrassCity.
  15. This is a great post. When Is it gonnna be come a sticky..

    +++++REP again.
  16. #36 FrankDaTank89, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2008
    man, i've been smoking for over a year and still enjoyed reading through your post man.


    there is one thing though, I always considered beasters to be a type of mids, because thats the way everyone talks about it around here, and it makes since, because it smokes and usually looks almost exactly like any other mids i get. It is defiantly better than "alright" mids, but if i had to compare it to dank (fire) and mids, it would be a lot closer to the mids than the dank.

    There's a possibility of it getting moved around or locked, it does violate some forum rules, but it's a good write-up so hopefully the mods look past that.
  18. Good post, but my dimes are 1.5
  19. Pretty cool. You might want to center align it so it looks proper.

    I will post to clarify that a dime usually means a $10 sack and by no means is always supposed to be 1.0.

    Also, thanks to the kind regards from everyone else.
  20. awesome guide for the newcomers! this needs to be stickied if it isnt already!

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