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Apprentice tokers, don't have a piece? List of Homemades here!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sparkin, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. #1 Sparkin, Aug 14, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2008
    Well, I see you've shown up here. This guide is to teach apprentices how to make homemade pieces if they are ever in the situation of needing something to smoke with.

    Lets get right down to it shall we?

    1. Waterfall Bong
    2. Gravity Bong
    3. Hot Knives
    4. Water Bottle Bong
    5. Pop Can Bong
    6. Light bulb Vape
    7. Apple Pipe
    8. Carrot Pipe

    1. Waterfall Bong

    1. Grab a regular sized pop bottle (or a 2 liter) and poke a small hole on the side of the bottle, at the bottom.
    2. Get the pop bottle cap and duck tape a socket on it, after carving a hole through the top of the cap.
    3. Fill the bottle with water
    4. Put the cap on the bottle, and fill it up with weed.
    5. Spark your lighter and take your finger off the hole.
    6. The pull of the water on the cap makes the weed burn, after the bottle is filled with smoke. Take off the cap and pull the hit in.

    2. Gravity Bong

    1. Grab a bucket, and fill it with water.
    2. Get a 2 liter bottle and cut off a little more then half.
    Get the pop bottle cap and duck tape a socket on it, after carving a hole through the top of the cap.
    4. Put weed in the cap.
    5. Get the half of the 2 liter bottle and stick it down the water, so there is only a little bit of room at the top.
    6. Spark your lighter and pull up the half 2 liter bottle slowly.
    7. After the bottle has filled with smoke, take off the cap, put your mouth on the bottle and push it down into the water, it will force the smoke into your lungs.

    3. Hot Knives

    1. Get a butter knife and turn on your stove.
    2. Heat up the butter knife.
    3. Get the same type of half 2 liter bottle as in the gravity bong section
    4. Once the butter knife is red hot, put a bud on it and hold the bottle above the bud
    5. Put your mouth on the bottle and suck in the smoke as it comes.

    4. Water Bottle Bong

    1. Get a water bottle and poke a hole on the side, in the middle.
    2. Get a highlighter and take off the body of it, so you have a tube.
    3. Get a socket and put it in the tube
    4. Put the tube down into the hole in the bottle
    5. Poke a small hole, right under the socket and use it as a choke/carb
    6. Put weed in the socket and spark up.
    7. Let go of the choke/carb and take the smoke in.

    5. Pop Can Bong

    (I do not recommend you do this method, as you'll be smoking aluminum, but some people don't mind.)

    1. Get an empty pop can.
    2. Bend the pop can so when you tip it to the side, it looks like it has a bowl.
    3. Get a knife/scissors and poke holes in the middle of the 'bowl'.
    4. Put weed on top of the holes.
    5. Poke a choke/carb in the side of the pop can.
    6. Spark up and take the smoke in.

    6. Light Bulb Vape

    1. Get a light bulb, pop off the bottom and take out everything so you just have the bulb part.
    2. Get a pen tube, and poke it into a pop or water bottle cap.
    3. Tape around the pen and the cap, closing all holes.
    4. Make sure you can take off the cap/pen tube easily.
    5. Put bud in the light bulb, and put the cap on.
    6. Put your lighter under the bud, heating up the bulb and making it fill with smoke.
    7. Put your mouth on the pen tube and take in the smoke.

    7. Apple Pipe

    1. Get an apple from your house.
    2. With a knife, cut off the top of the apple, circling around the stem.
    3. Once the apple has a bowl like shape at the top, poke a hole through the side of the apple so it can take in smoke from the bowl.
    4. Stick a pen tube in the hole.
    5. Put weed in the bowl, spark up and take it in.

    8. Carrot Pipe

    1. Get a carrot from your house.
    2. At the big end of the carrot, carve a bowl into it.
    3. Cut off the small end of the carrot, so a hole can be made inside the carrot to get to the bowl.
    4. Put a hole in the middle so the bowl and end of the carrot can smoke nicely.
    5. Put weed in the bowl, and spark up.

    Thanks for reading guys, hope I helped.
  2. thanks i usually just stick with my san pellegrino bong. it hits like a charm
  3. Nice post. Very useful
  4. Awesome guide. Any chance of pictures?
  5. Haha I've never heard of a carrot pipe. I'll have to put down my glass and try that.
  6. Solid thread, lots of good info, good job man
  7. Another good one is what we call a "lung" in New Zealand. Now I am not sure if the rest of the world uses this method or not.

    1. Get a 2L Coke bottle and cut off the bottom as usual.

    2. Get a Breadbag and take it to the bottom of the Coke bottle creating a chamber.

    3. Cut a hole in the coke lid, and put a cone (or Socket from a Rachet and socket set) inside the lid.

    Method: Put Bud in Cone (or Socket), Light bud and slowly pull the breadbag down. Once the breadbag is pulled all the way out, Unscrew the Cap of the Coke bottle and take a nice big huff. Repeat until stoned.

    This method is reasonably cost effective and gets you pretty wasted.
  8. heres my favorite homemade bong

    water bottle
    pen shaft (get one of those bic pens and empty out all the guts)
    aluminum foil


    Poke a hole in the side of the bottle about 3 or 4 inches up just big enough for the pen shaft to fit through snugly. Chew up a piece of gum and seal the pen shaft for an airtight seal. Then use the foil to construct a bowl/slide. Then toke up.
  9. I don't like using foil, but it sounds like a solid bong.
  10. You forgot the part about putting salt into the light bulb to clean the white crap out
  11. Awesome post dude... i'm almost positive you helped some people out. :smoking:

    Ohhh and i think you should consider add potato in there. I have to say from personal experience that it rips way better than an apple pipe. (you make it just about the same way you would an apple pipe)

    cheers! :D
  12. Awesome post dude... i'm almost positive you helped some people out. :smoking:

    Ohhh and i think you should consider adding potato in there. I have to say from personal experience that it rips way better than an apple pipe. (you make it just about the same way you would an apple pipe, also be sure to use a pretty longish potato)

    cheers! :D

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