Applying for Medical Card Tomorrow!

Discussion in 'General' started by motion, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. I'm applying my medical marijuana card for 200$ w/o my medical history. What are some ways I can say marijuana benefits me to get approved without having the documents to prove it? I'm going to start with: I don't have appetite when I wake up for a few hours and I'm a relatively skinny guy who has been trying to put on weight forever.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. Say you have trouble sleeping
  3. $200???

    Jesus Christ.

    My first one was $50 and my second was $90 (different doctors)

    I'd shop around a bit more. Idk anyone in Cali that'd spend $200 on a med card..

    If its different in Washington ignore this post
  4. I do believe it is against the rules to talk about cheating the system to get a card.

    You said it yourself. You have a lack of appetite. You don't need to have cancer to get a weed card lol

    People need to get the thought that you need to be terminal to get a med card outta there minds

    I got mine for lack of appetite and sleeping issues. Honest things I deal with.

    Just tell the truth. It's as available as it is because it's the only way to circumvent the hypocrisy.
  6. Man I wish Canada was that easy.

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