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Apple appreciation!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Maimuta, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Apples have and always will be my best friend! I've always had a large appreciation for them, mainly because they make such great pipes. Yet, after taking acid, I grew an entirely new appreciation for it. The taste of it on acid was, well, incredible. So natural, juicy, flavorful, and the perfect texture (with the right apple that is, none of that mushy shit they sell for dirt cheap).

    Personally, I prefer an apple over a regular glass pipe any day (regular being $10-50$ range). I've developed a method in which I don't waste ANY of my weed while smoking an apple, making sure to suck in until it's dead. The shape of the top of the apple, where you pull the stem out, is perfect for packing a bowl as well, even though you may have to repack it a couple of times.

    Not many people agree that an apple makes a better pipe than the regular glass, actually, no one I met does. Yet, I stick to it, and have stuck to an apple for many years, even though I could buy glass any time. The two times I have moved to glass have ended disastrously. I broke em both and felt somewhat devastated about it, no matter how hard I tried to let it go. It just bugs me too much to see em break so easily, especially after we bonded. I never felt like they gave me an edge over an apple either, except for convenience.

    I won't argue that it beats any higher end glass, bubblers, or bongs, because, let's face it, those beat apples hands down. Yet, apples are a good friend to have, and that's a relationship I intend to keep for a long time to come!
  2. Yes apples are good. You can throw them away right after smoking, they freshen up your breath. good stuff.
  3. Haha well said, +rep
    You should post a tut on how to make the perfect one. Every time I have used one it has been poorly made by someone.
    You wouldn't think it's that hard but I know people who have screwed it up.
    P.S. Michigan apples are the bomb.
    Honey Crisps are apples' chronic.:cool:
  4. I love them and use them all the time. Satisfies my munchies fast.
  5. you like apples then?
    just to clarify?
  6. Agreed. They taste great to smoke out of, are easy, quick, and cheap, and can be tossed when you're done. Plus, a few bites of a fresh apple is delicious after you're done with the bowl!
  7. I agree! When I see some youngin smoking out of a tin foil pipe im like "dude go get you an apple!"

    I also remember when I was young using a potato which actually works great, the thicker consistency allows for more perfect cuts and does taste like much of anything.
  8. every time we make an apple bowl someone eats it before we even get to smoke out of it
  9. Apples are the shit, i would toke an apple anyday.

  10. Well said, Honey Crisps are fucking bomb!
  11. I'm so stoked to see so many apple happy (lol typed happle at first) people! Being pro-apple myself, I too cringe whenever I see someone smoking out of a can / foil / plastic. I hate it when the first thing people say when asked "what should we do?" is "just get a monster can or something". It's just like, really? Apples are cheap, quick, efficient, healthy, and can be disposed of multiple ways.

    Funny apple related story.. A couple of my buddies were chillin in town and had just picked up, but didn't have anything to smoke with. They go into the Trader Joe's and buy an apple, no big deal. When they get to the register, the younger dude cashier looks at these two college dudes in line buying a single apple, one with long hair, and probably smelled like weed, and says knowlingly, "ONE apple, huh??".

    One of our funnier inside jokes. Well, not so inside anymore, but, yeah...
  12. ^ I've done something along the same lines. 3 guys go into a Trader Joes and buy nothing but an apple and altoids :p

    Apples are one of my favorite ways to smoke after bongs and bubblers. Something so nice about the taste and the cure for munchies
  13. I love smoking an apple bowl on the pourch before school then eating the apple for breakfast on the way to school

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