Apartment Growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by akdrummerboy, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I sprouted a bag seed a few days ago. Its about an inch tall now. I'm in an apartment so I want to keep things discreet. I have just a few questions:
    Do young plants need 24 hour light?
    Better yet, what would be sufficient lighting for a single plant?
    Should I make some sort of grow box for it or would that hurt it rather than help?
  2. Yeah you can put it in a grow box, check out the indoor growing guide, it tells you what equipment you will need. :)
  3. For one plant, depending on how big you want it to get, you could use a few CFLs, a small HPS/MH light (150 - 400 watts). On average try to keep at least 100 watts on each plant for good results.

    You can build a space for it or put it in a box, just make sure you can make it ventilated so fresh air can get in and stale air can get out.

    Some people grow sweet plants in old PC cases. There are some good threads on here about that. Saves building a space, plus you can use the computer fans to help move air around.

    Agreed, the Indoor growing section has any and all information you could imagine. Good place to start reading up and get tips and tricks to help with space confinement, grow lights and everything else.

    Good luck man!
  4. Thanks a lot, I just happen to have a pc case laying around. :smoking:

  5. Nice. Yeah there are some amazing PC grows. Pretty crazy the way they set those things up.

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