apartment getting bombed, will they be ok?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by 6006, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. #1 6006, Aug 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2013
    My apartment is going to have their annual pest control preventive maintenance.  Will my plants be ok?  They are in the 2nd week of flowering.
    Also, i extended the light period and the dark period.  did i just fuck it up?  I was at 7-7 but now i just changed it to 10-10.

  2. so whats wrong with the 'normal' 12x12 ...messing withe light times will make herms, if thats what you want?
    re: your bug spray, turn off all fans, find some way to prevent the gas getting to the plants, allow the plants to air later, consider keeping a gold fish to piss the guy off, and maybe avoid your room?
  3. ok sorry false alarm.  i guess they're just putting traps.  at least, i hope thats all theyre doing.  i don't want my lights and fans to be on when theyre here just incase they come into my room.  i actually turned it off about 7:20pm.  i'm going to leave it off until 1pm, which is when theyre supposed to leave/be done.  so ill have it on from 1-7pm and then ill go back to 7-7.  its just 1 day, do you think it will hermie?
  4. no, i think u will be ok..if it was just one day, but don't mess with it again
  5. Thanks.  Ok so I ended up not changing anything.  I changed all my timers back to what they were but by mistake missed 1.  The lights turned off for 15 minutes during the on time.  Will that make them hermie?  I've already corrected the issue
  6. ur good..just make sure there on timers
  7. Better to have a 'sick' day at home, and again get a pet gold fish, if it dies, you just know your plants will be in trouble, also understand Bug Killers are poorly paid, you won't be the first guy ever ripped by the bug killer, see MIB2 ....lol

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