APAP/Codeine (Tylenol #3)

Discussion in 'General' started by Breh, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Alright, just chewed up 2 of these (60mg of codeine. Originally planned 90mg, but since I'm tired, I figured I wouldn't be able to enjoy the effects as much if I pass out early, so I'm saving the last pill for another time), and am wondering what kind of effects codeine offers. They tasted like absolute shit (and I thought Percs tasted bad :S), so I better get something good out of this.

    Increased appetite? Better focus for writing papers? Will it make me tired and eventually help get me to sleep? Any other tid-bits would also be appreciated.
  2. I don't think 60mg will do much for you and if it did you would just feel a normal opiate buzz but a weaker one.

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