Anything to worry about?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Krismarsden, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. I noticed the upper leafs on my plant have started curling, is this anything to be worried about?
    Thanks in advance fellow growers 20230628_190949.jpg 20230628_190952.jpg 20230628_190956.jpg

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  2. Sometimes they curl due to heat stress or perhaps a nutrient deficiency, but your plant looks just fine. I have had plants do this and rebound on their own. That's usually when it's super hot here and I simply have to water more. Your soil looks plenty wet. How are the temps in your area?
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  3. Ahh thank you man. The Temps have been around 25 c during the day at around 15ish through the Night

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  4. Those temps are no problem at all. Let her ride and enjoy it!
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  5. looks like early heat stress imho

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