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Anyone with legal knowledge?

Discussion in 'General' started by tokinbud420, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Say I got caught with some shit and got charged with Class A intent to distribute, posession of class C and D substances. How much jail time would I be gettin? this is hypohetical, of course..
  2. #2 qwerty man, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2011
    definitely depends on the state

    Around here, max prison sentence would be 2 years for just the intent to distribute...
  3. Yea man.. and class C and D?

    Are you not in the US.... i tried looking up class C drugs, and got a bunch of info on the UK lol.....

    But as said above, where you are will very much so affect the end result, and how much you can prove or disprove in court will also....
  4. Intent to distribute as well as i'm assuming possession would probably get your 2-5 year sentence. But thats around Canada where i live, since it seems you must live in britain i really can't say much, mainly because I don't even know what a class d drug is
  5. The situation in question took place in Massachusetts, so the states. I figure it's gotta be a MINIMUM of 2 just for the class A with intent, plus the other drugs tacked on I'm thinkin' somethin like 4-5. but Idk, that's why I want your guys' knowledge.
  6. Well.. here in CO my friend got busted with intent to sell a schedule 1 drug (no idea on classes lol....) and its a VERY illegal drug..... and he had 5 oz's of it, which is.... an unfathomable quantity to get busted with..... and 2 pounds of weed......

    He ended up getting charged with possession with no intent of 2 lbs...... 2 years probation, UA's didnt even matter.....

    But Colorado is not a good example..... i guess that kinda stuff happens more regularly than not here
  7. Each state is different with different laws. I would say get yourself a GOOD LAWYER right away, check with your closest branch of NORML they should be able to point you to an advocate.

    Good Luck...

  8. yea, you are going to want a GOOD lawyer.... not just that guy who defends potheads... you want someone who is going to fucking go after a good plea... because thats going to be your best bet here.....

    Hopefully they can get you a plea for the least severe charge, and probation to dismiss the charges..... but your are probably going to be pissing for the govt for a while man... i am and i wasnt even charged with any fucking drug charges.... but luckily my med card saved me lol
  9. Well before I tell what happened I'll give a little backstory, not too much though..So about 6 months ago I met this dude, classic drug dealer, the freshest whip, the freshest clothes, fat stacks all day, shit for fun this dude went out and bought a hayabusa streetbike(which he rides all doped the fuck up..) anytime I'd see this dude he'd be in his car in the parkin lot of my old apt. complex countin' a fat stack of money. so this really was only a matter of time before he got pinched. The dude started doin' the shit, became sloppy. So the cops pull this dude over yesterday(without probable cause), searched his whip, found a good ammount of bags of diesel and some other shit and booked him. I'm figurin he gets at LEAST 3-4 years.
  10. Oh fuck man, Class A in Massachusetts...?? That's heroin... better lawyer up.


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