Anyone wish for a real life zombie invasion

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Nato Jenkins, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. I love video games and movies about zombies but How sick would a real world full scale zombie invasion be? I mean sure it would mean the end of the world and after the entire world is zombified you could either kill yourself or go out fighting. Or live with what survivors are left. Itd be the end of the more new technology..but hey you can do whatever the fuck you want. You could live in the white house!
  2. You know it would be the scariest thing that ever happened. You would shit yourself if your neighbor tried to fucking eat you. The US would be the f-ing place to be though...we've got hella guns!

    But unless you live nextdoor to a Costco and a wholesale ammo dump you would be f-ing screwed.
  3. You could have romantic sexy time, do whatever you want with hoes just by saying "hey we are about to die anyway" and smile. And you would still have bud, i would find a bomb shelter and lock myself in with munchies weed cable tv and lots of guns for when i watch enough tv and run out of food and decide to shoot some bitchass zomb e'z up br0. And i would do it with a fat blunt in me mouth :O . And if anymore hoes i fuck dem to :) radikal swag br0eham.
  4. sorry im high, can you believe that?
  5. Lets really think this through here, What would the game plan be for a zombie invasion? You live in the city. You go to bed every things normal. You wake up and its full scale riots. They have to call the army out, until all the cops are turned there are no police because their so busy. What do you do? We've got walmart they sell hunting rifles, pawn shops, gun shops.....

    Edit: You DONT have cable tv, All the stations have put up that "sorry we are having technical difficulties" You may get broadcasts until the zombies knock it all out. Eventually you need to venture out.
  6. Well for those of us with Guns and Ammo. It aint no thang.:smoke:
    me and my boys against THOUSANDS OF ZOMBIES, ofc given the right guns and BAD ASS monster trucks that breathe fire would be nice...
  8. humans have nukes man do you think zombies have a fucking chance??

    F U C K N O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Haha you just need to sit back and let other people do the heavy lifting. Then take their shit or trade some dope herb for some of it. (depends on what type of world you want to live in)

    I could definitely see myself as the old man in "Children of Men" who grows weed in the post apocalyptic world.
  10. :( jew burstin' my bubble an sheet dawg. how do i reeeech theeese keeeeeeeeds
  11. Zombies could probably live through nuclear war...humans couldn't.
  12. I doubt theyd use nukes in a populated area. Even if that area is overrun with zombies. They wouldnt just nuke us would they?
  13. ^LOL.

    Well, the government is full of secrets and corrupt. So to answer to your question, ...yes they would just nuke you. If it means taking out the zombies, pretty well.
  14. I thought I was the only person who had that fantasy. A zombie apocalypse would rule. I also fantasize about a nuclear fallout survival. Like in fallout 3. Fuckin A

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