Anyone used a cheap vape before? Box Vape-Easy Vape-Vapor King

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by MLark, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hey guys. This is too anyone that's used a cheap vaporizer before. Did my research but really can only be answered by people that have used one.

    After taking a hit, did the system have to reheat or could you keep taking hits?
  2. easy vape stays heated, dont know why it wouldn't... id imagine anything with a ceramic heating element would stay heated
  3. I don't remember the brand/name but a couple years ago I used a REALLY cheap vape with some friends. It kept it's heat for a couple hits, but then we had to let it come back up to temp. It was def not ideal. I know this isn't super helpful since I can't remember the kind it was, but I def think you should do your homework before you go for a really low grade vape.
  4. Im rippin my Vaporite rite now and im gettin stoney as balls... lol. i love mine. i keep the temp around 180 and it makes perfect vapor

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