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Anyone smoke dabs, post ur torch, wax and rig pics

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by BudBrownies, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. [ame=""][/ame]

    I haven't had dabs, mainly because I don't live in a medical state or have enough to make waxs or oils...

    What's the THC content in these waxes? The effects more powerful then smoking flower?
  2. One hit of Wax, a minuscule amount (about the size of the head of a pin), is supposedly equal to 1 – 2 full cannabis joints.
  3. [quote name='"BudBrownies"']One hit of Wax, a minuscule amount (about the size of the head of a pin), is supposedly equal to 1 – 2 full cannabis joints.[/quote]

    Not quite, but yeah its way more potent
  4. image-4242300372.jpg



    My Rig right now:
    18" ZOB
    Grade 2 titanium nail w Dome
    Grade 2 titanium domeless nail
    2 Adapters to swap out the nails


    My wax:
    OG Haze Crumble

    Wax is pretty good, the only down side is it messes up your tolerance. Smoking just wax all the time is a little excessive for me. So i tend to mix it with flowers most times.

    The high from wax is by far the highest I've ever been. It's a clean smooth hit versus the harsh bitter taste of flowers. Most people compare it to the taste of something fruity or tangy. Plus it's a way more efficient way to get stoned; one hit versus 3 bowls for me.

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