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Anyone remember Kingdom Hearts?

Discussion in 'General' started by LouDog8, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Anyone remember the Disney video game kingdom hearts when you play as Sora alongside Donald and Goofy? God I can't wait to just get out of work so I can go Til a few stealthy waterfall bongs and blaze and play! 😊
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  2. #2 UnsuspiciousUsername, Oct 22, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
  3. I fuckin love kingdom hearts \\m/

    Sent from my asshole using Grasscity Forums App
  4. That was an awesome game!
  5. Anyone who had a playstation 2 in had those games
  6. I remember my son playing that game. It took him weeks to complete it.
  7. I fucking loved that game. Little corny, yeah, but haters gonna hate! :laughing:
    Never played the second one. Is it any good?
    both of these games were awesome.  I gotta say I played a lot more Tekken but still found Kingdom Hearts to be awesome
  9. Heck yeah bro. Kingdom Hearts is one of my all-time favorite games. The second one was ace too.
    Disney got all dem feels. And that game was a challenge. What's not to love?
  10. Terrible game.
  11. The first one was fun! Final Fantasy was definitely more appealing to me though
  12. I thought the best part was the Coliseum where you could beat the shit out of Cloud and Sephiroth.
  13. They were my favorite characters in the game. They were the reason I ever tried to play the game
  14. To this day one of the best boss fights ever. That fucking move that killed you in one hit after he teleported , the amount of HP he had and the music made it pretty badass .
  15. Yeah I remember,cool game.^^ I didn't win against Sephiroth tho.He was too damn strong,and his huge sword....yeah he kicked my ass.
  16. FF7 was a milestone and childhood memory of mine. Playing against the main characters was on another level.
  17. Still waiting on 3 but I doubt it's ever coming out
  18. I remember random"hearts
  19. omg i love kingdom hearts, i got everything in the first 2 you know the works, 100% complete max level everything unlocked, havent played the other ones much yet.

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