Anyone really familiar with VLC player?

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by papaduck, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. I'm playing back some .flac through VLC and I need to find out how to switch to the next track without the break.

    The album i'm trying to enjoy, is live so hearing that break between tracks is really ruining the moment.

    If you can help that be great, thanks!
  2. hmmm, idk if thats able to be changed. it would be in the settings somewhere i would assume. of course
    ive never played a flac on my vlc before. only movies.
  3. I believe that you can make it turn the volume down or something like that. Check the help menu, or tools/settings. It's in there. Somewhere. I might be able to help ya out when I get a free minute.
  4. I would appreciate it, I been looking throughout the settings and can't find it. Going to bed now but i'll check back in the morning....
  5. Theres a ticket open for it, don't think it's been implemented it, but VLC is such a swiss-army knife, I'm always finding new stuff. #549 (Gap-less playback)

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