Anyone poor and happy? xD

Discussion in 'General' started by Angry Troll, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. eh stay based homie woop TYBG
  2. real talk
  3. im broke as fuck, in the sense that..all my bills are payed, i just have NO extra cash to do anything. so..i just kinda, do nothing. or what i can at least.

    cant tell you if im happy or not. i feel neutral.
  4. I LOVE STRUGGGLIN [ame][/ame]
  5. Not really poor or rich, but I'm happy!
  6. 60 hours a week??? How do you eat?
  7. I got a house (well, trailer), with electricity, running water, and a fridge that isn't empty. I have a vehicle that gets me from point A to point B. When I'm sick, I have insurance and can go see a doctor. I am NOT poor.

    I make about 30K a year working sixty hours a week, so I'm not exactly loaded. But I've known poverty, I've lived months at a time without water or power, gone hungry more nights than I can count, stayed with good friends and grandparents, slept in the bed of a pickup truck, had to wait until I was too sick to stand before going to doctor when I had appendicitis because I had no health insurance and couldn't afford it. Now, I have all my needs met, with a little leftover, and my daughter will never, ever have to go without whatever she needs.

    And I am most definitely happy :)
  8. Middle class single 19yr old male.

    It's Physically impossible for me to not be happy
  9. Im middle class and happy. I have quite alot of money i can usually buy pretty much whatever i want but its not the money that makes me happy its my beautiful girlfriend and son.
  10. I'm extremely materialistic with the money to support my habits and hobbies. I honestly don't think I could be happy without money, but that's mostly because I'm not even happy now lol. Definitely got respect for y'all that say you're still happy even without expendable cash though.

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