Anyone played Fallen earth

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by frank drebin, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Just came across this through steam, hadnt heard of it or notcied it before.

    Looks ok goin by a few videos and ign have gave it 8.1.

    Anyone play/played it ?
  2. Absolute garbage.

    If you've played other MMO's do not purchase this one. It will only set you up for disappointment.

    The company ended up cutting 75% of their staff a couple months after the game came out because it wasn't doing to well.

    Not worth the money at all.
  3. #3 frank drebin, Oct 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2010
    lol. Thanks mate. Ive spent so long downloading a demo of the fucking thing and installing various updates i have to try it now.
    Done a bit of reading and yeah the general concensus is that its shit, but on the other hand some recent posts from a few months back says it has improved over time. One thing i did see mention is how no one communicates in the game. I played lotro and that went through a spell like that and i bloody hated it.

    .. well see how it goes, if i ever get the thing going.

    But no, i dont have high hopes for it. And the monthly fee is pretty pricey too.
  4. Well, it aint as bad as i was expecting. Seems ok, but i still doubt id pay the monthly fee for it.
    Menus seemed a bit clunky and took me a good few attempts how to do a special melee attack as the game didnt really explain it to me. But that could just be down to me. But the community was active and a few people helped me out through the chat.

    I doubt il go back though.

    Havent played wow before, maybe give that a crack.

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