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Anyone play Texas holdem?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PokerBlazn, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. I blaze and play texas holdem all the time. Awesome card game, also play online for money...

    Anyone else play Bet online poker? you can get in cash games for like 4 bucks...right now im in one for 4 bucks, and up to 16 :)

    cashing out and hitting up a tourney. Anyone wanna blaze and play sometime hit me up!

    Interested to see if im the only poker blade here haha

    happy toking!
  2. Yep I play on betonline
  3. I play for fun sometimes. Not for real money though.

    Pretty sure there's a blade on here who used to make his living playing online poker!
  4. I wouldn't doubt it. Im sure there is a ton of people who play on the site. 420, do you play poker or casino or what? Ever hit up sports?
  5. I like live poker though as well. Play tournaments on weekends when im not working, also trying to set up a league with some buddies. Love it, im happily addicted lol.
  6. Just no limit hold em
  7. word well we can play heads up or something sometime, join some tournaments win some money

    or cash
  8. #8 suuure, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
    Yeah everyday with the homies. Are there any online sites for money available to the U.S. ? I love poker and want to get into it online

    EDIT: just re read comments i'm gonna make a BetOnline account when i get home on Wednesday. Maybe we can all add each other and play :$
  9. #9 kingzwhip, Dec 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2012
    I would play online. But I think its illegal in US.
    Edit:Also im 19. And it requires you to prove you are 21 :p
  10. I used to be a professional online cash player a few years ago, before the big blow up. I used to love blazing before playing, just remember to play fewer tables if your high.

    I would be interested in playing with you guys for play money in a private game some time, maybe I will look up how to do that soon and PM some peeps who want in. If anyone is interested just post something in this thread and I'll include you if I do it.

    Online poker is great, I can't wait until it's legalized in the US again (which I have always heard is happening, we have corporate lobbies on our side).

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