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Anyone out there in WA/Seattle?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CaptainCupcake, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Hi. I'm Cupcake. Nice to meet everyone.

    I'm a baby smoker. I don't know anyone where I live that smokes. It's quite lonely...

    where are you guys?

    Show thyself!
  2. Impossible, Seattle is full of tokers. They just like to hide it.

    SensibleWashington is going to have out petitions for legalization soon, you better sign it!
  3. yeah...I am quite aware of that, thus the reason for the post....
  4. oh and thanks for the heads up on the petition :)
  5. Not sure how to find them on the street.

    If you go to school around here, you'd definitely find some peeps.
  6. Sup blade. Im here in Bellevue and theres tons of bakers over here. :smoke:
  7. <3 :wave:

    I'm in Sammamish. :D
  8. I'm in mukilteo :D
  9. Oh shit! I play lax for Sammamish ahaa
    Hella people on the team toke too.

  10. Interlake >
  11. I feel *really* retarded because I dont know what 'playing lax' means. :/
  12. Interlake is pretty close too.
    Lax = Lacrosse haha
    Yeah if you need good bud, there is fineee bud coming through Bellevue right now.
  13. reppin the 360! across the water from seattle, but still, pretty close.
  14. read my most recent post, guys... entitled 'what I had for dinner, munchies taken to next level' ...and please tell me what you think of the idea. It implies to those in my area. :) Free delicious food. :D
  15. sorry, it **applies**, not implies. wow.
  16. Lax is lacrosse.
  17. I'm in Bellevue too! Nice to see some of you guys here!
  18. I dont live in Seattle (born in Tri Cities, lived in Mount Vernon when i was little) but i can assure you finding stoner friends is not a problem. Gotta love having connects in different states. Im pretty stoked my home state is going for full legalization, but i have a feeling it might pan out like this: Washington fails to pass legalization and Oregon decides to jump on the bandwagon and try it... and we know where it goes from there :smoke:
  19. West Seattle is the spot! I see plenty of walking blunts. (Not on main streets of course) :smoke:
  20. I am up in Mill Creek but own a restaurant in Seattle......I am down for the cooking anytime!

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