I was going to rush until I realized frats are a waste of time/money/energy since you can get everything they offer and more for free.
no it hooks you up with connects you wouldnt have otherwise and prestige and its not a waste of time or money or energy because you would be using those other things anyway.
lol that's relative and I had connections before even considering it. For you it's a great option, go for it and don't look back.
Hahaha CHAD, seriously no one likes frat bros. I've met cool frat guys but there are A LOT of bros lol
except you're using those things to hang out with other people who think writing a check=prestige. i guess connects are cool but my family has a business and i use to cuddle and play catch with the owner, and i dont have to hang out with dbags!! although i admit i rushed Gummi Bear Squadron but couldn't get a bid
If there was only a club where I could get drunk with women, but not be paddled and play 60v12 cement ball, HMM, if only where?! Fraternities get A+ for idea, C- for execution.
FOR THE HATERS: "From the outside looking in you can never understand it. From the inside looking out you can never explain it." "Letters today, leaders tomorrow"