Well im not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I know theres members on grasscity that make beats.I have a bunch of material written down and im thinking of putting together a mixtape.The problem is I have no beats so let me hear what you have created!
This thread: I don't know how to make beats so I'm going to take other people's beats. Just make some beats brother, its more rewarding.
Im not looking to take any beats if I was I would just go to youtube.The mixetape Im putting out isn't for profit im just looking for someone who makes beats and wants to work together on something.I always give full credit for any that I use. I tried making beats myself and it didn't work out so well.
Aye bk you still doin music? im a music producer you can check out some of my work at andrewmausisa.com if you like what you hear email me at andrewmausisa@[member="yahoo"].com