Anyone know the labor laws in CA?

Discussion in 'General' started by billybob3@gmail, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. I searched this on Google, but I think it's a bit too specific to really come up with a result.

    Anyways, I work for a computer repair bench in a major electronics's store. Sort of like the Geeksquad. Now, we work in front of computers for 8+ hours a day. It's often multiple computers at once, standing up, we are not allowed to have seats, because we are on the sales floor. We can't even have a stool. My wrist has been giving me issues recently, and I was wondering if anyone knows any laws regarding my situation?

    I've talked to the Store Director, and they claim that it is because of corporate policy, nothing that they can do to change it. So what can I do to change it?
  2. I dont know about the labor laws in CA, but up here they only apply to minors, and only for length of work and pay, not the nature (ie: cant work past midnight, cant work more than 35 hours a week) Im guessing the only way to change your situation is to quit and find a better job, or actually, find a better job than quit.
  3. i'm curious about a few things man- and you should know to. I've had ergonomics training, and at work we constantly evaluate what people do- how they work, what tools they use for what purpose, cut out repetative motion, etc. and I need to know a few things?

    What is the height of the key board? (From the floor to the keyboard) approximately

    How tall are you?

    Do you use a mouse or a mouse pad located on the key board?

    Are you able to use the mouse and keyboard with the correct hand placement- if you perfer the mouse on the right- or vice versa?

    Have you had proper training, and/or read the manual on operating the keyboard (either training or liturature that was provided to you)?

    Do the key boards have the support pad infront?

    Do the counters (or surface the key board is on) contact your wrists,forearms, or elbows?

    Are they sharp or rounded edges (the surfaces that make contact with your body if any)?

    Are there anti-fatigue mats on the surfaces where long periods of standing happens?

    What is the height of the center of the computer screen? approximately

    Length of time on the computers? Break it down into average hours per day

    totally wrong way of thinkning man, you ARE entitled to do your job the best way the company can provide. If this involves new chairs because old ones are not supportive/adaquet for the job the company must buy new chairs or it is a liability.

    Ergonomics man, companies actually invest in people who are trained in this to tour and make suggestions.

    Now maybe if your working in a little place- your boss may not do this. In that case get a job in a bigger company and reap the benefits.
  4. you can always go workers comp on their asses they cant stop you from that

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