Anyone know how to get rid of ants?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by jim536, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Outdoor grow. I noticed two or three ant hills around base of plant. One ofwhich is directly beside the main stem. Howshould I get rid of them without harming the plant unless they are of no significance?

  2. Mix sugar with borax or really any white laundry detergent they take the mixture back to home base and they all get sick and die.
  3. ^^ this works well. I use diatomaceous earth which also works almost instantly. Its cheap, its organic and it will get rid of them within a few hours.
  4. "Mix 1 cup of sugar, 4 teaspoons of boric acid and 24 ounces of water in a glass screw top jar. Shake thoroughly until you can see that all the crystals are dissolved. Now put 1 cup of this mixture into a smaller jar which you have filled halfway with loose cotton. Firmly screw the lid back on, seal around the band with weatherproof tape and using an awl punch a few small holes in the center of the lid. Put this near the entrance of the nest or wherever they have made a path to your house. The key is the ants will get into the jar to eat the sugar and return to the nest and pass it on to the rest of the colony. If you find many dead ants by the jar dilute the solution and try again. With a proper mixture the colony may be destroyed in a few weeks. It does take the destruction of the queen to completely eradicate a colony. Keep this away from kids and pets!"
  5. Man this somehow sounds horrible and morally wrong. Also a lot of gardening shops will sell ant poison, or just make it like all the other post have suggested.
  6. [quote name='"RooksYR"']

    Man this somehow sounds horrible and morally wrong. Also a lot of gardening shops will sell ant poison, or just make it like all the other post have suggested.[/quote]

    Morally wrong?, it's ants, common known household method.
  7. They can and will def eat your shit.
  8. Use a blow touch or use a lighter and some flammable spray. No don't do that, but ant bait and place near colonies.
  9. Get even, eat those fckrs, sprinkle em on some ice cream :)

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