Anyone know how long it takes before AXE body spray starts getting you laid?

Discussion in 'General' started by StonedBatman, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. I've been drinking this stuff for weeks. 

  2. It doesn't unless you're trying to get with 9th graders and hookers. 
  3. Is there really a difference these days?
  4. 52.4 minutes
  5. [​IMG]
  6. Weird, works instantly for me. : confused_2:
  7. It only works if you are a sexy half latino dude with visible 8-packs and a perfect apple bottom.
  8. Add some male pheromones and it works like a charm 
  9. #10 Grimm420, Jul 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 14, 2013
    works for me
    oh, thought you meant a real axe
    Hey!  Hookers are fuckin' awesome! :cool:
  11. About a week after you stop
  12. Too bad they're illegal in the U.S. 
  13. not in vegas  :ey:
  14. We out to Vegas! 
  15. Except Nevada. 

  16. Road Trip, who's down?? 
  17. hop in the whip nigga 

  19. On the way there im all like.... 


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