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Anyone in the south?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ghkilla8593, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Seems like atleast every other person on this site is from either California or Colorado lol.
    How many of you are from the southern states?
    Im in Lafayette, Louisiana where everyone here is extremely misinformed about weed :confused_2:
  2. I'm from north carolina. I live in an incredibly eccentric, hippie loving city.
  3. Sounds great lol. I'm probably going to move out of state to Colorado or something right when i'm done with college, but i will miss being able to eat boiled crawfish all the time :rolleyes:
  4. Tons of people from around the world here..the diversity is what makes this site so awesome :smoke:

  5. Marijuana and marijuanas have ruined my life.
  6. I'm from Sydney Australia dude! Luckily people aren't overly misinformed in my town. Do have something to do with 60 percent of the town choofing :)
  7. Oklahoma :)
    Surprisingly weed isn't so looked down upon here.

  8. I was born in Plano, TX, and then had moved to Dallas for a little while as a kid before we moved out to Lafayette :)
  9. I'm in Alabama and basically everyone smokes weed around here.
  10. Nice. I have family in Alexandria and Shreveport. I'm in Houston. :)
  11. We like Hazy days here in South Florida!
  12. Central Oklahoma, if that's considered south enough haha. In my hometown everybody is intolerant, wears cowboy boots, drives trucks, knows plenty about farming, and everybody knows everybody else. So at least that town seemed southern haha.
  13. Good old Tennessee.

  14. Haha same here! Good ole' T-Town. :p
    However a lot of people I meet here tend to be alittle more tolerant.
  15. lol, Down here in Catahoula, which is where my girlfriend's dad's side of the family live at, They still have segregated High School Reunions...
  16. I grew up in the south...Memphis, Tn. Then I moved to Fl. and never have figured out what Florida is....

  17. T-Town?

  18. Im confused about that also haha
  19. I'm from Houston Texas http://[​IMG] ...

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