Anyone in school/college

Discussion in 'General' started by Yogurt, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. doesn't it seem like NO ONE ever asks for an extension before a paper is due?

    Try it, they say yes. It's awesome. It's like this secret back door to due dates I've found. :hello:

  2. I don't think any of my profs would give me one :confused_2: so I just do it.
  3. Really?

    When I was in University, the only way in hell you were going to get an extension is if you had a physically debilitating illness followed by a signed doctor's note -- which they would always follow up on.

    It was sink or swim. I swam, and found out I was pretty damn good at it.
  4. Umm no they don't .... not even if you are sick because they tell you at the beginning of the semester when its due so yea zero chance of extension.

    edit: That goes for college, I'm sure you could persuade a high school teacher though

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