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Anyone in MICHIGAN???

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by misscizzle, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. #1 misscizzle, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Hey I'm in Michigan, outside of Kalamazoo. New to the area (2 months) Anyone from around there...dont know anyone
  2. mich got medical buds...dont have a card??? post sum pics. lol jk
  3. Find the right doctor. "My back hurts" They will charge you and send you on your way
  4. 734 Here :wave:

    Used to go to Kzoo all the time. Good buds around there.
  5. I just tOld them I couldn't eat or sleep without it. In and out and on my way.
  6. reppin' da 248
  7. 248 here as well
  8. I'm also from the 586.
  9. Smoking piff daily over in the 248
  10. How is the rest of Michigan liking the blizzard outside haha
  11. in 517 but from 616

    and the "blizzard" was me out of class today
  12. 248 - ferndale
  13. ya im also 248 just made some firecrackers for tomorow cuz i got a snow day because of the storm :smoke: i had an 8th of purple diseal which is some of the dank'est bud ive ever had and the best tasting so the firecrackers should have me right. but ya south lyon and i used to be in 810 (brighton) but still not far from there.
  14. Reppin the 734-Ann Arbor, always have the dank nuggets, just got done with the best sour diesel I've seen in my whole life.
  15. Hey from 269!
  16. Diesel has been all over AA lately.

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