Anyone here work at drive-throughs?

Discussion in 'General' started by salchi, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. well, after reading a bunch of posts about people ordering food from their car and doing funny shit, i started thinking, does anybody here see the other side of this story? it seems to be quite common to mess with the taco-bell employees and i always wondered what they think when they have to sell stoners food.
    mabye it's a dumb post, but i thought it might bring some funny stories.
  2. Hahaha, I've got a great story about this. One time me and a couple friends were going through McDonalds after blazing it up and when we drove to the food window, we were all laughing and you could totally tell we were stoned. The dude at the window just looks at us and starts to smile and asks us if we're having a good time tonight. We were all just laughing, so I guess he took that for a yes. Then he was like, man, i'd love to be smoking what you guys are smoking. My shit isn't that great. Then my boy Turtle goes, come outside and burn one of your shit then. And the dude does! He goes on break, gets into the car with us, and we smoke one of his, and to be good guys we burn one with him. The guy is blazed up going back to work, but he was cool as shit and we invited him over to hang out with us after work. He showed up, and we've all been friends ever since. Hi Jon! :smoking:
  3. cool
    got some stories
    cant remember lol
  4. haha, great story, it made me laugh.
    any other other ones people from the city?
  5. I got a good one. One time I was working drive thru and this car pulls up, theres a full ziplock of weed out on the passenger's (husband?) lap, I start laughing, the driver (wife?) looks over and starts yelling at her husband and smacking him with her bag, "put that away now!". Haha
  6. I worked closing shift (5pm-3am) at Taco Bell every weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) last year.. Lets just say I noticed that a large percentage of our customers were under the influence of SOMETHING. We were told by our boss not to call the cops on customers who seem under the influence because they know that we get most of our business from them.

    Oh and also, there was someone completely geeking in the passenger seat just sorting a bowl right in front of me as i'm taking their money.. I was jealous :(
  7. I work at a Tim Hortons drive thru. The other day this guy was doing burnoiuts all the way through the drive thru lane, he was wasted as shit then like 3 mins later there was this accident and all these cops driving past. Sure enough it was the guy who came through, I geuss he drank half a 40 of whiskey and 6 beers. Oh yea, I knew the guy too:rolleyes:


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