Anyone Here OVERCOME Derealization/Depersonalization?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HeadySpaghetti, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I had this pretty bad for awhile, I think it is because of genetics. Both of my parents have had mental disorders so it came on to me as well. For that reason, it took me longer to overcome it, because the problem was truly chemical. But the mind is extremely strong, and like John Nash, who "thought" away his schizophrenia, you can do it too.
  2. im sorry, this seems so fkn interesting. but what is derealization/personalisation exactly?
  3. The same exact thing happened to me I hadn't smoked in like 2 weeks and I was on vyvanse and I stayed up for the past 2 nights for finals. I then smoked and started to trip out hardcore and since then I've felt disconnected with my surroundings and felt like I couldn't relate with anyone. I think vyvanse may contribute to it but im not sure. We will overcome it in time though so keep your hopes up.
  4. it's when nothing seems real anymore and you get real disconnected with your surroundings. Look it up on google for all the symptoms but thats the jist of it.
  5. Ive never heard of these terms before, but now that I look up the definitions and symptoms, about a month ago, I tried mushrooms for the first time, and I started having a bad trip and it felt like I was kind of viewing the way my mind worked from a different perspective, and I was able to understand the mechanics of my mind but it ended up scaring the shit out of me and everything seemed kind of fake and I realized shit that I didnt want to realize... yea its kind of hard to explain, but maybe this was derealization or depersonalization.
  6. I think depersonalization was the first step I took in contempating an exhaustive personal philosophy. Treat yourself as your own maker, soon Life becomes a wholly more captivating experience.
  7. Has anyone ever had this derealization/depersonalization at one point in their lives and taken shrooms. Did they/Would they help or hurt?
    I ask because I have had feelings like that and plan on taking shrooms in the near future so I want to go into it as prepared as possible.

  8. I dont think you can make it worse, but some people have experienced DP/DR AFTER taking shrooms and having a bad time. So it could end up helping or just doing nothing at all. I've taken molly and opiates, and I had a good time on them, not as good as if I were normal, but still fun, but no change in the DP/DR as far as I can tell
  9. i don't know, i mean... i think i have a minor case of it, because everything is kind of dream-like, i'm very apathetic, and it seems as though my life is just set to auto-pilot. I have severe anxiety, and am bi-polar, which i was only recently diagnosed with - it may just have something to do with my manic depression and anxiety, which is much worse and much more of an issue than depersonalization for me. I am still not sure i have it, but everytime i read about it, it seems more like a possibility that i have it. I'm very often demotivated to do anything and will just sit in bed all day - even turning on the tv seems like a hassle/waste, and doing things i love seem uninteresting or as though they require too much work. i keep a journal which helps keep me grounded and get my feelings out. i think reading over it helps me realize whats going on in my life. I don't know, i should talk to my doc about it i guess... it just feels, and always has, as though my life is just... i dno the only words i can use are, again, my life's just been put on autopilot. I get hungry so i go make food - i don't even care what it is, because most of the time i don't really even feel in the mood for anything, so i just make whatever's around/easiest.

    I don't know if i even have it, but if i do, i wouldnt say i overcame it - rather kind of just accepted my way of life. i remember exactly the day i woke up with this new "feeling" as a child that has never left. i remember trying to explain it to my mom who told me it was nothing... who knows. i just remember waking up one day, and everything felt different, as though i know longer put, or needed to put, thought into my actions. which is ironic because all i freakin do is think
  10. i sometimes feel like we are just a dot in a huge universe and that there is probably a higher being then us and we dont even matter. I have constant thoughts about stuff like that, but then it goes away when i make myself busy with friends hobbies etc.

    i think its just a state of mind like anything else and you can overcome it with will power.

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