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Anyone heard of or tried "Headband"?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by DavidBrent, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. #1 DavidBrent, Feb 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2009
    While I was reading a blog about the Humboldt grow scene, I ran into the following entry:

    "A strain called headband has quickly become the most sought after strain in Humboldt County. Similar to Sour Diesel and O.G. kush, this strain smells amazing and is incredibly strong. I would have to say that this is the most desirable strain of marijuana that I have ever come across. It’s exclusivity makes it pretty hard to find. Supposedly this strain is a mix of the O.G. and the Sour Diesel. A blueberry headband has also been propogated as of late."

    I'm really curious if anyone has tried this strain. If so, please post your experience.

    Here's a pic of Headband from the blog:

    Attached Files:

  2. Beautiful buds but I have never heard of the name :eek:
  3. I have definitely smoked it. Pretty recently too, sorry tho, I wasn't aware of its exclusitivity at the time so I don't really remember any of the specifics. Definitely good buds tho.
  4. i've gotten this strain from a local dealer and from a dispensary down in so cal. smoked very good !
  5. can you post a link to the blog? it seems interesting
  6. I have smoked Headband Kush. Its really good when grown correctly.
  7. Ther is alot of info about headband and og kush and the ecsd. It is a long winded story about some seeds this guy named chemdogg found in some weed he got at a greatful dead show. nobody knows what it was its the thing of internet legends and many a fight will break out online concerning this. So you really dont want to know.

    I've personally grown headband and the ecsd clone its a good money maker and it never smelled of fuel to me and i got my clone from a guy who was buddies with chemdogg. SOOOO much hype.
  8. Yup, same here. Nice buds bro, enjoy. :smoking:
  9. \t\t\tThe best m.j. ever?

    \t\t\tJuly 6, 2008

    \t\t \t\t\t[​IMG]headband

    A strain called headband has quickly become the most sought after strain in Humboldt County. Similar to Sour Diesel and O.G. kush, this strain smells amazing and is incredibly strong. I would have to say that this is the most desirable srtain of marijuana that I have ever come across. It's exclusivity makes it pretty hard to find. Supposedly this strain is a mix of the O.G. and the Sour Diesel. A blueberry headband has also been propogated as of late.
  10. A strain that constantly fills up my jar.

    The high is very desireable, great indica undertones with a nice sativa layer.
    No crash but an intense and moderately long high.
    The smell of the buds is incredible, when you open up your container a heavy coffe like tone fills the room, as you move your nose is closer you start to pick up a sharp, lemony, piney aroma.

    Buds arent dense at all, they break apart like butter.
    Perfect amount of stickiness.

    A great mid-day smoke.
    Possibly morning accompanied with a cup of coffe.
    And at dinner after a meal.
  11. supposedly the best ever. it's og kush x sour d or og x sour d x master kush... it makes you feel like u r wearing a headband..
  12. lol nicely said. Shits so good smoking it is like killing a unicorn!! :bongin: hahaha

  13. nice, not many people know the linage of headband
  14. Thx JBlunt. That was very helpful. Now if I can only find some in NYC to try. LOL.
  15. I bought an eighth of headband from the clinic down the street from me. Taste reminds me of sour diesel and is very much a head high. Very nice if you like sativa dominant strains, but I prefer indica.

    It does make you feel like wearing a headband which was cool at first and then just got a little annoying. Never heard of it until I went to the clinic and after reading the posts in this thread I'd have to say it's highly over-rated. You guys are making it out to be some mythical bud, but it's more of a one trick pony. Makes you feel like wearing a headband.... cool but I get a more enjoyable high from most other strains.
  16. I smoked some Purple Headband like 2 days ago.. the bud was literally purple with barely any green on it. that shit had me high for like 4 hours. :hello: REALLY dank bud!
  17. shit hey, I've never heard of someone having one sess and their high lasting four 4 hours... :rolleyes:
  18. Ya there was some headband down in my area of Boston about a month ago. The shit was some dannnk. It had the diesel smell with a lemony smell to. The high was pretty intense and lasted mad long. More of a sativa high but had a little body high too. Ill def be sure to pick some up next time it's around.
  19. I had some sage x sour d(guessing) and my high lasted over 4 hours...

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