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Anyone have xbox free 2-day live trial?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 2e3t4y5u, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Hey guys so I was smoking and got this amazing idea (im pretty nice when I'm high). Well I got an xbox recently (had one before) and got my memberships and what not, and theres this chick that cant afford to get xbox live and I kinda feel bad for her cause the only friends I know that she has are on xbox. Since it's around Christmas time (kind of) I wanted to do something nice for her cause she is ALWAYS on but she cant join any parties or play online, and how boring is that? I'm really only asking cause I remember I used to have like 3 2 day free trials and I think I threw them away lol. (few years ago)
    Well if anyone does post a code i'll make sure to give it to her and thanks in advance!

    Smoked, idea. girl on xbox doesnt have live. Looking for codes to give her.
  2. welp, i tried lol.
  3. Thanks!!! if you read this, can you take it down just in case. Just checked and shes not online yet. :\ (I did copy the code tho
  4. No problem, bro. That one should be good but if for some reason it isn't, just let me know and I'll send you another in private message. Always willing to help out a fellow gamer and weed enthusiast. Hell, my girlfriend and I play Xbox all the time together (yes I do know her in person lol)

  5. dude you are amazingly awesome. haha forreal tho! lol she doesnt have enough money for live so if u ever have any ill give them to her. but seriously thanks so much. I know its only something little but its hard to find nice people these days.
  6. If you need another, I got 2 on deck.

  7. If you guys want you can just PM them all to me and ill just keep sending them to her when she runs out lol, itll be kinda funny haha. I just like helping people out. :)
  8. No, you're just trying to get some pussy, its all good though.

  9. haha damn you cought me;( lmao.

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