Anyone have great ideas for dorm room decoration?

Discussion in 'General' started by averagetoker, Dec 29, 2010.

  1. I'm male, so think like that. I already have a poster of Calvin Johnson but thats it. I'm thinking about getting christmas lights or something and stringing some together to use as my lights if I'm just chillin in my room. Or do you guys have any better ideas?
  2. Blacklight


    Blacklight posters/ regular posters


    Gaming system




    And last but not least, people to share the good times with.
  3. Lights are good, you can get all kinds of different colours and shapes.

    The first dorm room I was ever in looked like a prison cell I was all breeze block walls!

    One thing I found cheap but nice was to stick up things like photos, cards people have given you, and any random shit you find that you like, up with blu-tack or something. You can almost create a little collage on the wall and it's really personal to you and cheap to do, which is important for students. Posters are good too, and cheap rugs (patchwork rugs can be cheap and look cool.)
  4. Fat black lady pornography.. we decorated this one kid's room with it freshman year, epic.
  5. Also, if you find a picture of something you like on the internet, don't bother buying it, just print the sucker and blu-tack it up or put it in a nice-looking, cheap frame. Pictures are expensive to buy!
  6. get a shit load of canvases and pickup painting. abstract painting is piece of cake.. plus girls are impressed by artists.
  7. Put some of these up there:


  8. Don't listen to the person who said decorate it with a bong.

    Bong in the dorm is a bad, bad idea. Trust.

    Black light, and black light posters, road signs, posters.
  9. Tapestries ftw. On your walls and drooping down from your ceiling.
  10. Simple is best. I never understand when people crowd things on their walls. A nice painting or framed poster, and a bookshelf, couple nice chairs. Work desk, light on top. Paper, mug of pencils, that kinda junk. That's all you need. people said my room reminded them of a psychologists office, but it worked.
  11. Okay just realized this is for a could still use it as decoration but just don't use it :p
  12. Get a giant bong. They seem to spruce up a place.
  13. I don't know why people buy those things. If I had one on my wall I would just be freaked out and paranoid because Patrick Kane is staring at me all the time. :eek:

    Gig posters = Awesome! :hello:

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