Anyone have any tips on growing sour bubba

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by CBDBurner, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. hey guys thanks for checking in.I recently came into some seeds, 23 to be exact, of a strain called sour bubba. a hybrid of sour diesel and bubba kush. I've found one grow tutorial but looking for more info before I soak a few of these seeds.
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  2. Treat it like you would any strain growing indoors.
    The same guidelines apply..
  3. Yea that's what I was thinking . Also I'm researching grows from both sour diesel and bubba kush to see what they respond well too I've got a 4 ft box so thinking 2 plants LST
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  4. 2 plants lst is right in thr money i like 1 plant per square foot but i have a lot of lighting

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  5. That's what I was thinkin my box is 4 ft tall 32 inches squared. I'd like to do 2 plants but was wondering if people have any details on the growing of the strain
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  6. Indica heavy, dont expect it to get tall, theyll get ride though. You can do 4 in a 4x4

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Wonder lst n top em a few times n do 3 plants I n the box what u guys think
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  8. Sour-Bubba OG Growing under some CFL's:
    I found a grow not sure if I can post it here assume I'll find out
    Looks like dude had no clue about soil and nutrients but got it sorted out and still ended up with what looks like a half so must be a pretty forgiving strain
    • Winner Winner x 1

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