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anyone have any mindfucks?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Spark It29, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. Like something to read that will fuck your mind? Or crazy pics.
  2. A mindfuck to read: any Chuck Palahniuk book, most notably Fight Club. Invisible Monsters is another good story, with a very interesting way of thinking. I can honestly say that book has altered my perception on how people should live their lives. As far as openess, and honesty (with self and others) is concerned.

    Mindfucks to look at: MC Escher is pretty good at visual mindfucking. There`s another artists that currently escapes me.

    Paradoxes are also rather interesting mindfucks, or "What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"

    "There's always an exception to the rule, except to the exception of the rule - which is, in of itself, an accepted exception of the rule."

    What would happen if Pinocchio said "My nose will be growing"?

    Just a coupla things.

  3. Salvador Dali?
  4. No, however he is a great surealist artist.

    The picture I`m thinking of is the chess board illusion, I just can`t bring myself to remember who drew that.

    Alex Grey is a great artist for all things trippy too if you`re into that as well.
  5. Good luck.

    [ame=]YouTube - Ten dimensions[/ame]
  6. Look up Mc Escher his stuff is insane

  7. everything i read high looks so fucking stupid
  8. Everytime I rub one out...

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