I really wish I did more in my undergrad classes because I haven't really impressed any of my professors that much. I don't know who I can get to write a letter of recommendation for me. I have one professor that I can ask because I took classes with him last semester and this semester. I've gotten good grades in his classes but I feel like I may have gotten on his wrong side because I'm absent a lot. I missed a lot of days last semester and then this semester too. I want to apply right away but I'm thinking maybe towards the end of the semester will be better. The thing is he told me he was very impressed after my mid-term last year (I got a 98, kid next to me failed), but my papers haven't been very good. I'm not sure how he'll evaluate my absences because he always seemed to not really care about that but may see it as irresponsible. I don't know how hard it will be to get into Grad school but seems like it may be pretty tough. Also pissed I didn't put a better impression on this professor from a few semesters ago because turns out he's like director of the Grad school or something. Would've loved to get his letter of recommendation but I did get an A in the class. Not sure if I should apply to sub-par schools to complete my Masters there.instead. Seems like my school is real tough but thats another reason why I want to get my certification there. Thanks for any experiences/knowledge anyone has to share