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Anyone have a clue?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cantstopmenow1, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 cantstopmenow1, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Hey everybody I just got my first pickup a few nights ago and was wondering if it was any good for the price. I paid 20 bucks for all of this + some. but an 1/8th in total and I saw him weigh it 3.5 without the bag

    I know that this particularly isn't an 1/8th because I already smoked some of it :smoke: and it got me pretty high. :smoke:

    Does anyone know exactly what it is though? Good? Bad? I'm guesing it's some mids but i dont really know. It's got somewhat of an earthy smell and isn't very potent but definitely distinct. almost skunk-like

    Also, I'm keepin it in an empty pill bottle, one of the clear ones. Is that a good place to hide it? and should I put it back in the baggie and then the bottle or just the bottle

    Keep on token brothas

    edit: pictures wouldnt work :\ here's the links
  2. Looks like an 1/8th of some seedy dense mids. Not terrible but not great either. Hope you didnt pay more than 25 for it.

    And pill bottles are where I always keep my buds.
  3. Yeah I paid 20 for it and already smoked 2 of the smaller nugs, so I'm guessing I got an even deal for it :smoke:
  4. It looks like some bricked schwag/mids. If it gets you high then no worries :D Yup, pill bottles are great for bud, no need for baggies.
  5. price seems fair enough
    now smoke that shit
  6. looks like regs to me

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