Anyone going to moe.down?

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by simsays, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. Over the weekend I picked up some tickets with a few friends to head to moe.down ( the last weekend in August, in Turin NY and I was curious if anyone else was heading there this year?

    Would love to sesh up between sets
  2. the supporting lineup is pretty weak,

    but make sure to check out u-melt.

    they will rock your face off.

  3. I saw U-Melt live at Smiths Olde Bar in Atlanta with EP3, and they were really mediocre at the time. Maybe it was an off night, but I was far from impressed...
  4. Umelt was amazing at summercamp this year.

    also, i really really wish i could make it out to moe.down this year. not happening though:devious:
  5. bumping this thread as it is in a few days? anyone else going to moe downing it this upcoming weekend?
  6. I am going to be there!!!
  7. My friend's dad is the sound manager for moe. :hello:
  8. I'll be there with bells on :hello:.

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