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Anyone get high and take a shower

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nihon Kaigun, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I love it. Anyone with me.
  2. Greatest thing in the world.
  3. ....yep....

    Can I get a God-Damn amen?
  4. its the best feeling ever :smoke:
  5. I like to soak in my jacuzzi and smoke a king-sized joint, then I rinse off in the shower afterwords. It's the little things like that that make life worth living. :smoke:
  6. This explains it :smoke:

    Attached Files:

  7. Showering high = surreal and trippy:cool:
    Taking a massive constipation dump high = most painful and loathesome experience in the world:mad:
  8. #8 jelly89, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    i'm with you d00d I luv high showers
    and i've found I can handle extreme temp showerwater better when high hehehe :hello:

    the only problem is sumtimes I drink the shower water cuz i get so damn thirsty!
  9. I sat in the shower for 45 minutes when i was high lol didn't wash a thing... just zoned out.
  10. No doubt it feels good but apparently it sobers you up. Like with the water and the pores, I don't know the science I'm just sayin.
  11. I believe its purely a placebo :D

    When i toke and take a shower, i feel cleaner and more fresh obviously... so i guess thats why people say they are less stoned. But i feel just as stoned, just more fresh :cool:
  12. I dont do it because it blows my high when I get wet or even wash my face while im stoned.. I actually make it a point to take a shower before I burn at night.. im sure I cant be the only one who does this.
  13. i use to get high while taking a shower cos the steam and that helps get rid of the smell. another thing to try is get high and go for a swim, most refreshing thing for me so ever was smoking a few bowls and then diving in the pool on a mean day :smoke:
  14. i like to smoke half a bowl take a shower and finish the rest of the bowl :smoke:
  15. It's up there on my list of "best things to do high". I've even developed a routine.

    Turn the shower on, and get naked. Smoke up and get into the shower within a couple minutes (around when the high hits). Then angle the showerhead so that when you tilt your head back, the water massages your scalp (orgasmic in itself) and so that the water runs over your ears and all you can hear is rushing water.

    Close your eyes and enjoy.

    One time when I had some fire, I managed some closed eye hallucinations doing this. Shit was cash.
  16. Every time I come home high, and my parents are home I just get in the shower so they don't have to be around me. When I'm in there I just enjoy the water and masturbate. Lmao, nothing like spanking the monkey stoned.
  17. i like to take a bowl in with me and rip it right when i get in. its raw no smell to once you soap up
  18. showers kill my high lol .....not so much back in the day wen i didnt have a tolerance
  19. Its wierd actually it sortof takes away the feeling of being high but the water feels so awsome... and then when I get out I feel even more blazed than I was beforehand for some reason

  20. same here. its still enjoyable as f*ck though. i usually have to toke up afterwards too but aint complaining.

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