Hey I jsut signed up on this forum this morning and already i like it. I was wondering if anyone on here was from washington state. reply back if so
Us west coast smokers gotta have a party....Just go on a phatty road trip down I-5 (we'll let Jada drive since she just got her liscense ) oh yea where's 420girlie? i know she live right close
Well thats surprising, more then a couple of peepz. I live south of seattle aswell, in federal way, any of you guys got some good smoke??? Things down in the south end have been a little on the parched(dry) side.
I used to live in Federal Way, I don't miss it. You should take trip out here on the old I-90 and smoke it up with this Girlie. Do you go to school there?
ya im from federal way just moved here not to long ago, dont know to many peeps here, just know where to get the green, thats it
the stoner is form here too huh?? Tight, I'm from the twin lakes area and goto highline. Anyone else goto school here??
What a coincidence. I don't know anyone who goes to highline now, but two of my cousins recently graduated from there.
we got 4 people (maybe more...but they're jsut hiding...behind the couch) i think thats plenty for a circle (square)...can anyone say smoke-a-thon?